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Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd G200er2

Active4 years, 9 months ago
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  • I was trying to install the Matrox MGA driver (driver on this page) on my Ubuntu 14.04 but the installation process ask me for my X11R6 path.I have Xorg installed on my computer but I can't locate the path i need.

I was trying to install the Matrox MGA driver (driver on this page) on my Ubuntu 14.04 but the installation process ask me for my X11R6 path. I have Xorg installed on my computer but I can't locate the path i need. I fond on internet that commonly the folder is in /etc/X11 or in /usr/etc but it is not there, probably the folder have a new position in ubuntu 14.04Can you hel me to locate it or suggest me an installation guide for my Ubuntu version?!

Matrox electronics systems ltd. g200er2

25 rows  Drivers for older/legacy Matrox products. Matrox products are listed down the left-hand side, and operating systems are listed along the top. Each grid square indicates the latest driver version for the corresponding Matrox.

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1 Answer

I found the answer to my question, the Matrox MGA drivers are unclaimed in Ubuntu 14.04 because of an update of the Xorg.I solved simply installing Ubuntu 12.04 but it seems that the problem can also be solved overriding the new Xorg files with the old Xorg version.You can find all the information about the argument in this forum

Matrox G200er Driver


Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200er2 Gpu


Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200er2 Cuda

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Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200er2

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Hello, I recently installed Ubuntu 15.04 server for our new server.
Here are the specs:
Again it is dell poweredge r730 server
96 GB memory
25 TB storage
2 CPU 2.6 GHz, 10core.
The graphics card on the server is: NVIDIA Tesla K10 GPU
I've installed ubuntu-desktop as a gui.
However, we are running into an issue with recognizing the graphics card and driver for 3D acceleration. Right now, I can't log into unity, so I was forced into installing gnome-session-flashback. I can't login into Compiz either, but I can login to Metacity.
Here is some information:

When I try to type glx commands I get the following error messages:

Here is some info from the Xorg.0 log file:

Something is not quite right.Right now I have nvidia-346 (346.59) installed as the driver. I tried installing bumblebee in a previous install than the one I have currently. That was able to get glxinfo and glxgears command to work, but that was only through software rendering. It still was not picking up my Hardware GPU.
Uitimately, the goal is configure my GPU so it is used by Ubuntu 15.04. Is this a simple process? Or a simple step I'm overlooking? I have some experience using Ubuntu server, but I'm not too familiar with GPU and integrating it into Ubuntu server operations. I would appreciate any feedback, help, suggestions.
Thank you for your time.